Important Information
This site provides a summary of information about the Comet pension schemes. It may be changed without notice.
The information contained in this site includes a summary of the detailed provisions and benefit structure of the Comet Pension Scheme, full details of which are set out in the Rules which govern the Scheme. No information contained in this site alters any member's benefits or entitlement as provided for under the Rules of the Scheme. The Rules of the Comet Pension Scheme can be amended from time to time and the information set out in this site is subject to any amendments that may be made to the Rules. In the event of there being any difference between the information set out on this site and the provisions of the Scheme's Rules, the latter will prevail.
Neither the Company nor the Trustee are responsible for the content of any other organisation’s website whose links are contained in this site. The inclusion of a link does not imply any endorsement by the Company or the Trustee nor the provision of investment or other advice. Any estimate, calculation table or facility has been provided for guidance only and should not be relied upon. Any actions or decision taken as a result of using such information are taken entirely at your own risk. Before making any investment decisions you have the right to seek independent financial advice from an authorised person or an appointed representative.